
Recruitment information

Requirement New Graduate Recruitment
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01 Company Data

Job Data

Recruitment Position/Field
2025 New Graduate / Administrative Positions (Sales Administration, Human Resources, Labor, General Affairs, Accounting)
Job Description

You will be assigned to one of the administrative positions that support the company.

One of our features is that you can proceed with the selection process for your desired position, reducing any gaps after joining the company.
We accept applications from both humanities and science backgrounds for all positions.

【Sales Administration】
This job supports consulting sales.
Through various tasks, you will support sales so they can focus on their main activities.
 ■Main Duties
 ・Checking and managing documents such as contracts submitted by sales representatives
 ・Managing delivery deadlines
 ・Payment and collection management
 ・Sending products
 ・Creating and managing lease contracts and various certificates, sales management for each product, etc.

【Corporate Staff (Human Resources, Labor, General Affairs, Accounting)】
This job involves back-office tasks such as HR and general affairs.
Through various tasks, you will support the smooth operation of the entire company.
 ■Main Duties
 ・Recruitment activities (new graduates, mid-career, part-time), post-entry training, interviews
 ・Payroll calculation, attendance management
 ・Arranging health checkups
 ・Telephone handling
 ・Grasping and managing fixed assets (offices, capital investments, equipment, etc.)
 ・Reviewing various applications and approvals related to internal purchases
 ・Updating public relations materials, office relocation and layout changes
 ・Processing sales payments and disbursements
 ・Processing employee expense reimbursements, etc.

Once you get used to the job, you can work from home 1 to 3 times a week.
Whether in the office or working remotely, you can immediately ask colleagues for help if you encounter any issues.

Additionally, we are working on creating a comfortable working environment, including relocating our headquarters in December 2022, renewing our Shinjuku and Kansai offices in June 2023, and obtaining two stars in the Eruboshi certification.

02 Recruiting Outline

Recruitment Requirements & Process

Eligible Applicants
Graduate students in science / Undergraduate students in science / Graduate students in humanities / Undergraduate students in humanities / Junior college students / Vocational school students
Eligible Departments
All departments and faculties
Number of Recruits
4-5 people
How to Apply
First,please check the entry page.
Recruitment Process
01. Apply through the entry page
02. Company briefing session (group interview for those wishing to proceed with selection)
03. First interview (includes aptitude test)
04. Second interview (includes arithmetic test)
05. Job experience
06. Final interview
07. Job offer
* The number and order of selection processes may vary.
Required Documents
Resume with photo (to be submitted at the first interview)
03 Treatment

Treatment After Employment

Starting Salary
【Administrative Positions】Monthly salary: 240,000 yen + bonus (twice a year)
* Includes fixed overtime pay (40 hours per month, 58,000 yen)
* Full payment even if less than 40 hours, with additional payment for overtime exceeding 40 hours
Transportation allowance (up to 30,000 yen per month according to company regulations)
Salary Increase
Salary increase and promotion: Twice a year (February and August)
Holidays & Leaves
2 days off per week (Saturday and Sunday) and public holidays
121 annual holidays *4 required working Saturdays (2024 results)
Year-end and New Year holidays / GW holidays / Summer holidays / Paid leave (half-day and hourly leave available) / Congratulatory and condolence leave / Pre- and post-natal leave / Childcare leave / Spouse's birthday leave
Benefits & Welfare
Complete social insurance (employment, workers' compensation, health, welfare pension) / Business accident compensation (injury, illness) / Welfare rental / Company-leased housing (conditions apply) / Employee stock ownership plan / Condolence money system / Regular health checkups / Influenza vaccination subsidy / Training system / Internal SNS / Various recreational activities (BBQ, etc.) / Internal clubs (baseball, futsal, golf, basketball, etc.) / Completely non-smoking office space (with designated smoking room)
Work Location
【Tokyo】Shinjuku, Tokyo
Working Hours
9:00 - 18:00 / 10:00 - 19:00 (actual working hours: 8 hours / 60-minute break)
Education System
New employee training
04 Achievements

Recruitment Achievements

Recruitment Achievements (Schools)
Aichi Shukutoku University / Aoyama Gakuin University / Asia University / Atomi University / Ibaraki University / Osaka University / Osaka University of Arts / Osaka Prefecture University / Otani University / Otsuma Women's University / Kanagawa University / Kanagawa Institute of Technology / Kawamura Gakuen Women's University / Kansai University / Kanda University of International Studies / Kanto Gakuin University / Kyoto Gakuen University / Kyoto Koka Women's University / Kyoto Sangyo University / Kinki University / Kinjo Gakuin University / Gifu University / Kurume University / Gunma Prefectural Women's University / Kochi University of Technology / Konan University / Konan Women's University / Kokugakuin University / International Budo University / Kokushikan University / Komazawa University / Saitama Gakuen University / Shukutoku University / Shohbi Gakuen University / Juntendo University / Josai University / Surugadai University / Seikei University / Seigakuin University / Seibu Bunri University / Senshu University / Soka University / Takasaki University of Economics / Takushoku University / Tama University / Daito Bunka University / Chiba University of Commerce / Chuo University / Teikyo University / Teikyo Heisei University / Tezukayama Gakuin University / Tenri University / Toin Yokohama University / Tokai University / Tokyo Kasei University / Tokyo University of Economics / Tokyo University of Technology / Tokyo Women's University / Tokyo University of Agriculture / Tokyo University of Social Welfare / Tokyo Fuji University / Tohoku Gakuin University / Tokushima Bunri University / Doshisha University / Dokkyo University / Nagasaki University / Nihon University / Nihon Institute of Technology / Japan Women's University / University of Hyogo / Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen University / Fukuoka University / Bunkyo University / Bunkyo Gakuin University / Hosei University / Miyagi University / Musashi Institute of Technology / Musashino University / Meikai University / Meiji University / Meiji Gakuin University / Meisei University / Mejiro University / Yokohama National University / Yokohama College of Commerce / Rikkyo University / Rissho University / Ritsumeikan University / Ryukoku University / Reitaku University
Recruitment Achievements (Number of Recruits)
2023: 21 new hires
2022: 25 new hires
2021: 13 new hires
2020: 49 new hires
2019: 51 new hires
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Mid-Career Recruitment Information

We provide an overview of job openings for mid-career recruitment, including a list of positions, application forms, and project stories.